So, you’re obsessed with Draft Kings? Well, join the crowd of millions upon millions of people. Don’t feel bad or guilty. Just enjoy it, and have a little fun. Trust me, it can become an issue. This advice comes from a person that had a BAD gambling problem about 15 years ago or so.
From Charleston to Charlotte, from Charlotte to Atlanta, from Atlanta to Mobile, and from Mobile to New Orleans, our dream became a reality. We had made it to the Crescent City for what was sure to be a busy and jam packed weekend of sports.
As our time spent at the beautiful Greenbrier Resort covering the NBA’s New Orleans Pelicans came to a close several things stood out. For one, everyone involved in the Pelicans organization was a class act, and as professional as it gets.
Since today is considered “Opt Out” day we thought we would share a few scenarios that would work for the BIG Three. Not just because we are Cavs fans that we think Lebron should go back to Cleveland.
Lebron was spotted the day after Johnny Football was drafted to the Cleveland Browns wearing his Browns jersey. You may think this is irrelevant but try to find Lebron repping Cleveland in the slightest these past few years since leaving.
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