In a game of shoulda, woulda, coulda, Neal Brown would state after the game “Did we play good enough to win? No. Did we play hard enough to win? Absolutely” The thing is, yes, football is a game of inches. Almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. The problem is, the NCAA has now become a “What have you done for me lately society.” Neal Browns record is starting to speak for itself and head south in the decline region.
A question was brought up to me during the game on Thursday. It was “Do you think that it is cheaper to buy out Neal Brown? Or continue the season with the declining attendance?” I didn’t think to much into it at the time, but on the way home it dawned on me of how great of a question that would have been if WVU would have lost to Baylor Thursday night. The attendance was announced at 45K+.
Let me start this article off by saying that “I am a HUGE fan of AEW Wrestling!” But, I feel like after the 3 year mark some things could use a good critiquing, be completely scrapped, etc… Down below I will list 10 things, and give a brief explanation of why these things bother me. Do I feel that they could be detrimental to AEW’s viewership? Absolutely! Do I think that they could become a complete death penalty for the spiraling downfall that some have projected?